Thursday, October 29, 2009

How Much Money You Can Make From Blog Marketing

The amount of money you can make from blog marketing is actually determined by you. You decide how much work and effort you want to put into your blog, and therefore in charge of how much money you can earn from your blog. And of course, the more you work on your blog, the more money you can possibly earn. Blog marketing basically involved 3 steps. First you set up a blog to talk about your favorite topic, update your blog with quality content and then promote it so that people who are interested to your content can find it and read it.

The great things about blog marketing are you don't need a lot of money to start and operate a blog; and the income potential of blog marketing is pretty high. The more you market and promote your blog, the more visitors you'll get and the better your chances of making more money from blogging. Lets say you already created a blog. You are promoting some affiliate products through your blog and making a nice little effortless income. Well you want your blog to generate more income. What will you do? You put more effort on blog promotion to get more people to visit your blog. Maybe you can start spending money to get your blog listed in paid blog directories and pay-per-click (PPC) search engines. Investing part of the money you earned is a great idea, especially if you want to boost your blog revenue.

However, there are also a number of free methods and techniques you can use to promote and market your blog. Blog owners generally have a comment section that allows visitors to leave a comment on every blog post they have published in their blog. The comment section can be a great tool to get free visitors for your blog. For example, lets take a topic like sport cars. You own a blog that talks about sport cars, and you want people to visit your blog. Well, the first thing you need to do is to find several popular blogs that are about sport cars from search engines and social bookmarking sites. Once you have found them, you can start posting comment on a regular basis. Leaving quality comments with a link back to your blog will give those visitors that read the popular sport car blogs a way to get to yours. If they like your blog posts, they may even bookmark it and come back to your blog often to read your latest blog entry.

One thing that is important to your blog marketing success is content updating. You should update your blog with new and unique content on a regular basis. Doing so will attract your visitors keep coming back to your blog and allow your readers who have subscribed to your blog feed know when they can visit your blog again for new content. Let them know how often you update your blog, and stick to it. If you promise your readers you will be publishing a new article every two day, do so. Or you might be ending up with readers that will not follow you because they can not rely on you to give the content that they are searching for; new fresh content.

When you are making money online using blog marketing, the sky is the limit. The revenue you can earn is solely decided by you. The more time, effort and patience you willing to put into your blog marketing business, the more money you will make from it.

Whether you are blogging about your favorite things, or someone else’s, do it with a passion for the best results.

Alan Liew is a self-employed e-entrepreneur that has working on Internet marketing industry for more than a year. He has set up a website called for people to learn how to make money online. He also set up a blog to record down the latest free resources to earn money online.

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